All employees should be punctual, and above all they should be ethical.
According to a recent report, the jobless rate is steadly increasing.
The CEO was accused of channeling funds into his own account.
Ms. Lester is from the south and is not accustomed to the cold weather up north.
The new recruit is very anxious to start her new job.
Apart from the chipped paint, this old car looks like new.
The plant was expected to apologize for the chemical leak.
(apologize to "People" for "reason")
Once the president approves of the new building plan, we can move forward.
As for taking a vcacation this year, I am far too busy to do so.
The item will be on sale as of noon tomorrow.
Robin wanted to ask a favor of the boss, but he was away from his desk.
Ms. Day is at a loss as to what to do about the problem with the supplier.
John continued to work long hours at the cost of his health.
(at the price of)
All flights were cancelled because of the upcoming storm.
(due to / owing to)
I am bound to the employee contract for a year.
After a year in the red, the shop was finally able to break even.
Lena left the big city because she wanted to bring her children up in the country.
By all means, the seminar will go on as planned.
The two former colleagues met by chance in the street.
They finished the assignment by means of hard work and dedication.
Jack's promotion calls for a celebration.
Joan cannot help but feel sorry for animals that have been abandoned.
(cannot help + V-ing)
Madeline cares for her boyfriend very much, but refuses to marry him.
Mr. Harris was fired because he wasn't able to properly carry out instructions.
The business mistakes the CEO made caught up with him later when the business folded.
The construction of the new monument is coming along well.
Ms. Duprie was asked to come up with a new stragegy for the next ad campaign.
The president put in thousands of dollars worth of his own money to cmpensate for the loss.
(make up for)
The new snack item consists of fat-free ingredients.
Terry felt she was unfairly dismissed from her job and decided to consult with an attorney.
Contrary to what the figures show, our company is doing well.
Many dot-coms are finding it hard to cope with losses in the internet industry.
The company decided to modernize and do away with the old dress code.
Ms. wesner ended up applying for a position overseas.
(end up +Ving)
Although the deadline is near, the manuscript is far from complete.
Some workers become fed up with their jobs and change careers.
Feel free to browse around the shop and try on items that you like.
I feel like having Italian food for dinner.
(feel like + Ving)
Please fill in all the blanks on the application form.
(fill out)
Daryl will fill in for Tim while he's away.
The plant is short of funds and will not change locations for the time being.
The department store gave out samples of the new product free of charge.
Vivian couldn't seem to get rid of her cold and had to take several days off of work.
The alumni of the university will get together for a party next month.
Mr. wang was given the go-ahead to start designing the room.
(go ahead with the project)
The students were told to hang in their assignments by Friday.
The CEO's resignation has nothing to do with the recent scandal.
In case of fire, please use the emergency exits.
Tanya is in charge of finding staff for the event.
Cal exercises daily in order to stay in good shape.
(in bad shape)
Please keep in mind that we only have a few weeks left to finish the assignment.
The boss always judges an object in terms of the money spent on it.
Mutual funds are a good investment in the long run.
Mike took the bus instead of the train to work this morning.
Mr. Nrton is involved in a litigation case that is taking up all of his time.
I am so busy it's hard to keep up with the latest news every day.
The couple can't afford the rent for the apartment, let alone buy it.
Ingrid is really looking forward to her long summer vacation.
I have been told repeatedly that I look like my sister.
I was unfamiliar with the word and had to look up its meaning in the dictionary.
We really look up to our supervisor because he has a lot of experience.
(look down upon)
The writing on the fax was so faint I couldn't make out what it said.
Ms. fillmore was on leave for a week and had to make up for lost time when she returned to work.
I have nothing to lose so I may as well try it.
Next to playing the guitar, she likes to sing.
Ever since I started the new position, I have had nothing but problems.
On behalf of the entire staff, I would like to welcome you to our company.
The strange ad was done on purpose to attract attention.
On second thought, I'd rather have lunch at my desk than eat out.
It's a good idea to take a break once in a while when working on the computer.
The secretary stacked the files one after another.
I owe my success in my career to my father.
The firm hasn't been the same since our manger passed away.
All the writer's hard work paid off in the end and his novel sold out.
The government stepped in to prevent the corporations from merging.
The maker provided the basic materials for the prototype.
Rich couldn't put off cleaning his desk out any longer, so he did it in the morning.
Justin could't put up with the long hours at work, so he quit.
The jury was told to refrain from speaking about the case outside of the courtroom.
The company picnic will take place as planned, regardless of the weather
(in spite of )
Those paintings remind me of Rembrandt's work.
Mr. Watson reports to Ms. wilkenson, who is the director.
Mr. Learn is a man who stands by his opinions.
Our company name stands for integrity.
The princess succeeded to the throne after the queen died.
Mr. Jones suffers from stiff joints so he is planning to retire.
All emplyoees are supposed to punch in every morning, but some are neglecting to do so.
A good salesperson never takes advantage of a customer.
The child seems to take after her mother.
An architect must take the budget into account when he or she creates a building design.
Charles will take over as CEO when his father retires.
The small country had a booming economy thanks to the tourist trade.
There are fitting rooms in the back of the store where customers can try on the clothes.
Marion was distraught after being turned down for the position.
It turned out to be a perfect day for a flea market and each vendor sold a lot of goods.
(prove to be)
The firefighters had trouble getting the forest fire under control.
The menu for the banquet is entirely up to James.
Mr. Boyd used to be a software engineer but now he's an artist.
Le Ann is used to driving to work every day and wouldn't consider any other form of transportation.
When it comes to sales , no one is as skilled as Samuel.