Kirk had a pile of forms on his desk that he needed to fill out and send.
The company couldn't account for the of revenue in the third quater.
We must strictly adhere to company rules if we want to be promoted.
The camera is in poor condition and is being sold as is.
Red, brown and orange are usually associated with autumn.
At any rate, I will attend the company party tomorrow night.
The time is at hand when I must think about retirement.
The report announced that the escaped convict was still at large.
(not captured, free)
(in general)
The restaurant owner is pancking because the renewal of his cafe is behind schedule.
The file must be broken down into smaller groups before it is entered into the computer.
After the conflct, a war broke out between the tw natons.
The appointment of a new chairman is expected to bring about change in the company.
The stagnant economy brought the two struggling firms together.
Being a good CEO all boils down to having leadership skills.
By and large, the sales campaign was a huge success.
(in general)
Tina was very tired after working 15 hours and decided to call it a day.
The public relations director was talking on the phone when the client called on her.
The staff found it hard to calm down after the big earthquakes.
(calm sb. down)
The shop decided to carry over the summer items to fall.
The independent director started to cash in on her success one year after her film was released.
Robert came across a former colleague on his way home from work and they had a nice chat.
The convict was persuaded to come out of hiding and give himself up.
Barbara found it hard to come to terms with her mother's death.
The restaurant must comply with the health and sanitation laws of the state.
None of the author's recent works correspond to his previous writing.
The employees are counting on year-end bonuses and will be disppointed if they don't receive them.
Our boss loves ballroom dancing and cuts a fine figure on the dance floor.
Larry wasn't cut out to be a police officer. so he quit.
The company's new product is derived from wheat and ther whole grains.
(derive A from B)
Visitors to the park are asked to dispose of their trash in the bins provided.
The architect drew up several different plans for the new construction.
Mr. Mulligan will drop in on the buyer later today.
The driver made a mistake and dropped Ms. Logan off at the wrong location.
Those who live in the luxury apartment building are entitled to use the gym facilities on the first floor.
Mr. Burton looked over every inch of the document before signing it.
Maria works at her part-time jb every other day.
The woman tred to figure out a way to help the needy children.
Wendy decided to eat at a nice restaurant for a change.
Compassion means doing things for the sake of others.
Danielle is an excellen cook who makes everything from scratch.
It is essential that all the workers in the factory get along.
(get agong with sb.)
Ray never seems to get to the point during his presentations.
The criminal gave in to the authorities.
When driving, one must always give way to the driver on the right in an intersection.
Ms. rathford really goes in for a good novel.
The police chief went over the scene of the crime.
Mr. Perason's striped shirt did not go with his checked trousers.
Ms. Nisson cannot go without a morning cup of coffee.
Budget problems hung up the plan for over a year.
The inventory manager told his staff to stack the items in a row.
We must pay taxes in accodance with the law.
The supervisor told us the purpose of the meeting in brief.
I believe I will get a promotion in due course.
The leader was given the prestigious award in honor of her achievements.
A change in the way we do business is in order.
Lawrence was sent to the headquarters in place of Carolyn.
The company is always in search of new marketing techniques.
The engineers had a meeting to iron out the flaws in the design.
The two parties decided to lay aside their difference and settle the lawsuit.
Daniel's umbrella is the one leaning against the wall.
Investrs are feeling let down by the recent bear market.
The manufacturer is liable for any defects found in their products.
(be reponsible for)
Jonathan worker overtime because he didn't want to lose ground on the preparatons for the event.
(gain ground)
Even the smallest donation to a children's charity can make a difference in a child's life.
It is Rochelle's dream to make it in show business.
The store marked down all its summer items by 50 percent.
(mark up)
The tenant was notified of the raise in rent.
The network engineer's guess about what's wrong with the system is way off the mark.
The criminals broke out of jail and are on the loose.
Ms. Kerry just wanted to remain on the sidelines during the big campaign.
The car speed out of control and crashed into a tree.
I just can't part with the toys I had in my childhood.
Daniel is very particular about the kind of food he eats for lunch.
The director's first film paved the way for the success of the sequels.
The manufacturer has started to phase out the unpopular item from their inventory.
The conglomerate is poised to take over the TV station by next month.
Both parties must agree prior to the change of ownership.
The tire on the car burst, so we pulled over to the side of the road.
The man is very sick and is not expected to pull through.
We must rely on our common sense when working out difficult problems.
The disease robbed Brad of his sanity.
(depive... of)
We can't rule out the possibility of a takeover bid.
Julia was away from her desk because she had to run errands.
I always seem to run into the same people on my way to work every day.
We may not be able to finish as we are running short of funds for the project.
Russ will see to the seating arrangements for the guests at the banquet.
(see to it that....)
The two sailors set forth on a journey around the world in their sailboat.
Ms. carlson didn't show up for work this morning , so her boss is concerned.
After she survived the terrible accident, Paula vowed not to take anything for granted ever again.
Ms. Bernard takes her work seriously and never missed a day.
Without thinking twice, the president signed the merger agreement.
Retail sales tend to taper off after the holidays and pick up again in the spring.
The boss wants to throw a party at the end of the year to thank the empoyees.
(hold, have , give )
Everyone is unhappy with his or her wrk to some extent.
(to the extent that.....)
The fate of the law firm was up in the air after the head lawyer's resignation.
The waiter took too long to wait on the couple at the restaurant , so they left.
I won't buy new shoes until my old ones are worn out.
With regard to your offer , I'm afraid we'll have to decline.
The powerful telescope was able to zero in on a new star formation.